So about mid-week last week, something just hit me. I NEED TO GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. It's kind of funny, because Britt was having the exact same thoughts. It was like it just hit the both of us at the same time! Yes, we have been trying to eat healthy and live better when it comes to a fit lifestyle, but we just weren't getting down to business. Speaking for myself, I would try really hard one week, and then just let myself slide a bit for the next week- just one big wishy-washy cycle! However, at that one "lightbulb" moment that I had last week, I decided that wishy-washy was no longer an acceptable concept in my world of fitness!
Along with this ultimate decision came some motivation searching. I thought to myself, "Ok, so I'm super ready to get serious and try really hard right now. But what happens next week when I want to cheat a bit and start being wishy-washy again?" So, I sat down and began to think of motivations for myself--MOTIVATIONS that would keep me going even after a week, or two, or three.
Here's what I came up!
1.) No more bummy days (Or at least a significantly fewer amount of them...)
*This is VERY important. I am not exactly a morning person, so I usually sleep in as LONG as I can and then get up just in time to rush to get dressed and leave for school or work. This habit results in me not looking all that great for work or school...a.k.a. Bummy! I have learned that when you don't put any time into yourself, you naturally feel down on yourself. With me, I just think, "What's the point in making an effort?" With that attitude, no one would be able to be successful with trying to change their lifestyle for the better or lose weight. So, with that being said, I will not be having very many more bummy days. Now, occasionally, they are necessary. But this motivation will be huge for me, and my advice to you all is to do the same! Put some effort in, and feel good about matter what size you are. :) If you're not happy in your own skin now, you still won't be when you lose weight or get fit.
2.) Non-food rewards
Once again, VERY important. Think about it...when you were young, what was your "reward" for behaving or doing something nice? FOOD. I can't even begin to count the times when I was told as a little girl..."If you do this, I'll get you a candy bar!" It's not just from parents either, it's everywhere! Food is a common "reward". This "reward" does not stop when you become an adult, though. It especially creeps up in the world of dieting, and I have been caught up with it for as long as I can remember dieting. It goes something like this..."Oh! I had an awesome diet week! I didn't cheat at all, and I worked out every day. That means that I deserve to go get pizza and ice cream!" In reality, this is the WORST mindset you could ever have! True, you haven't necessarily completely cancelled out the good week that you had, but your putting a serious dent of damage in it! It's like a vicious cycle! So, with this motivation, I am going to start "rewarding" my healthy choices and perseverance with non-food related rewards. Come up with ones that will work best for you! A movie night, a manicure, a new pair of shoes...whatever makes you happy! (I know everyone has things that make them happy besides food!)
3.) Cute fall/winter clothes
*This is one that pretty much every girl can relate to! My all-time favorite season is fall, and that includes my fall wardrobe! Right now, I have like half of a wardrobe that I can't wear because things are too tight or don't fit right. Just like many women, I don't want to give them up because I keep saying that I'm going to lose weight in order to fit back into them. However, month after month, that doesn't happen. So, this is my third big motivation to keep me going strong. I want to fit into all of those clothes that are sitting vacant!
What motivations can you come up with for yourself?
Happy belated Motivational Monday! :)
A run-down of my weekend via pictures......
My new Hunger Games Iphone Case!! :) |
Shoe shopping! Love orange for fall! |
Church with Miss Raquel! |
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Girl's Night at Olive Garden |
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Britt's "Arbonne Detox"...her taking shots of it! haha |
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So excited! Hair getting long!!!! :) |
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