Saturday, February 2, 2013

Counterfeit God

I love when I run across something like this guy-Jefferson Bethke. He has multiple videos on Youtube. It's that moment when so many of thoughts you've had yourself are put perfectly into a sequence of saavy words that make so much more sense than the rambling thoughts you have just roaming around in your brain. It's that AH-HA moment over and over again. He has some really intriguing views and thoughts. You can see his passion in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Check out this video and leave me your thoughts...

Convicting isn't it?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Ya Can't Keep a Good Girl Down

Happy Monday again!

I had a great week - up until Thursday! I got super sick with a really bad cold / sinus infection / whatever it was.  I guess I was just glad that it wasn't the flu!  It put me down for pretty much the rest of the week and weekend, but I'm slowly recuperating.

Along with the sickness came the inability to work out for 4 days and the lazy attitude of not putting much effort into eating healthy - who cares when you're sick right? Well, you should - but I didn't.

So, it's not the best "ending" to the first  month of the year, but I'll make the best of it.  I'm feeling good enough now to do some exercising so I'll definitely be getting a couple of good workouts in from now until Thursday (the last day of the month).  Last January weigh-in day will be Thursday also! Crossing my fingers that I still come at least close to making my "4 pound" goal for January.

"Green week" also still went well last week! I Instagrammed the first few days, then kept forgetting to take a pic before I ate my "green" the rest of the days of the week.  Oops :-)

After a whole week of green tea only in the morning (woo hoo!!), this week I will be experimenting with different kinds of teas (all DEcaffeinated though!!!) If I get through this week headache free, I can actually say that I successfully weaned myself off of caffeine (and coffee) in one month - headache free!  Maybe I should write a book or something? haha!

I'll be doing a "January 2013 - Month End Review" on Thursday to update on how the whole month went for me in regards to my goals! I think it will be mostly good news! :-)

I hope you all have a fantastic week of sticking to your goals and making things happen!

P.S. I think Britt was either kidnapped or she's in hiding.  Hopefully you'll see a post from her soon. And she called ME the slacker in our "Breakup" post a while back. Humph!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Green Week

Happy Monday ya'll!

Just 4 days till Friday, right?

No but seriously, I hope that isn't your mindset every week.  If so, your life is going to fly by so fast and you won't even realize it! So don't wish your life away.  Take every day that God has given you and make the best of it - no matter where or how you have to spend it.

Psalm 118:24 says - "This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it! &

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says - "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

God has given you each day, so rejoice in it!  Don't just rejoice, but give it your absolute best shot now while you're alive instead of regretting it once you're close to the grave.

So even though it's extremely frigidly cold in my part of this glorious neighborhood on earth, I'm going to give this day my best.  Which includes my best in my "diet" / lifestyle.

This week is "Green Tea" week for me! I successfully made it through a whole week with no morning coffee!  Last week I swapped my morning coffee for a cup of hot black tea (50 mg less caffiene than coffee) and successfully had no headaches. This week, it's time for green tea (which has around 25 mg less caffeine than black tea).

I'm feeling great and saving alot of calories in the morning! For tea, I only add one teaspoon of Splenda.  With coffee? about 3 TABLEspoons of fatening and sugary creamer. I just feel much healthier sippin' on a cup of hot tea. Feeling healthier = acting healthier.

In honor of this week of drinking green tea, I decided to call it "Green Week." That means that I'm really going to focus on my greens - more green vegetables, salads, etc. My goal is at least one "green" meal a day.  Wanna join me on my green challenge?

Here's to a great, productive, and healthy week! Rejoice in it!

P.S. I lost half a pound for my weigh-in on Saturday.  Yea, it's not the full pound that I wanted, but hey, it's still progress! :) Looking forward to the next weigh-in!

Run-down of my weekend: Winter Jam 2013

The long and cold 4 hour wait!

The whole group together! This picture was taken for a radio station's website!

The lovely Jason Castro


Jordan getting his hat signed by a Toby Mac band member

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Glimpse Into My Every-Day Life

Happy Wednesday! Only 2 more days 'til Friday! :)
....and 3 more till weigh-in day for me. *fingers crossed*

This week has been pretty great! Mainly because I have decided to be obsessive compulsive. If you don't get what I mean, here it is:

Yes, that is a daily schedule written on my mirror (Thanks to my awesome "Glass Crayons").  I realized that in order for me to fit in everything that I want to during my day, I would have to come up with some kind of blueprint to keep me on track.  I am a HUGE listmaker (no pun intended....ha!), so having a schedule like this that I can cross off as I accomplish things is extremely gratifying.  Find something that gives you satisfaction when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle is super important - and this is my form of satisfaction!  so, I sat down and made a schedule for each day of my week. Of course, I left it flexible and open for revisions, because hardly anyone can follow a strict schedule to the tee every single day.

So, without further to do, here's a glimpse into my every-day life for the year (feel free to just skim through):

*Get up at 6:30 or 6:45
*Read daily devotions / morning prayer (eat breakfast)
*Get ready and leave for work at 7:30
*Work from 8-5
*House Chores / Errands
*Do (finish) last Thursday’s homework
*Start working out between 7-8  (at home)
*Pack lunch (optional)
*Prayer / Extra Bible Studying
*Bed no later than 12:00

*Get up at 8
*Read daily devotions / morning prayer and eat breakfast
*Get ready and leave for school by 9 or 9:10
*Class from 9:30 – 12:20 P.M.
*Lunch / Free Personal Time / Errands until 1:45
*Class from 2-3:20
*Workout (if at Gym)
*Errands (if needed)
*Home by 5:30-6
*House Chores
*Do Today’s Homework
*Workout (if at home)
*Pack lunch for work
*Prayer / Extra Bible Studying
*Bed no later than 11:00

*Get up at 6
*Workout at home
*Shower (body only)
*Read daily devotions / morning prayer (eat breakfast)
*Get ready and leave for work at 7:30
*Work from 8-5
*Free time with Seth from 5-6:30
*Church from 7-10
*Pack lunch (optional)
*Free Personal time (if available)
*Bed no later than 12:00

*Get up at 8
*Read daily devotions / morning prayer and eat breakfast
*Get ready and leave for school by 9 or 9:10
*Class from 9:30 – 12:20 P.M.
*Lunch / Free Personal Time / Errands until 2:45
*Class from 2-3:20
*Leave for Class in Columbus at 3:30
*Home by 9:00
*House Chores
*Pack lunch for work
*Prayer / Extra Bible Studying
*Bed no later than 11:30

*Get up at 6:30 or 6:45
*Read daily devotions / morning prayer (eat breakfast)
*Get ready and leave for work at 7:30
*Work from 8-5
*House Chores
*Prayer / Extra Bible Studying
*Freeee Time!!! (Go out for the night, Have some relaxing
 “me” time, Get a head start on some homework, Work
on the craft project of the month or any other New Year’s Resolution)
*Choose any time to work out for an hour
*Go to bed whenever! It’s the weekend!

*SLEEP IN – no later than 9:30
*Read daily devotions / morning prayer and eat breakfast
(It’s coffee day! Enjoy a nice cup of coffee!)
*Workout at home for at least one hour
*House Chores
*It’s a free day! Enjoy some time off.
*Prayer / Extra Bible Studying before bed
*Bed no later than 12:00

*Get up at 8 or 8:15
*Get ready and leave for church at 9:15
*Church from 10-1:30 (tentative)
*House Chores (possibly)
*Get at least one mile of exercise in somehow
*Lay down / Nap / Family Time / Seth Time
*Leave for church at 5:15
*Home from church at 10 (tentative)
*Pack lunch for work
*Bed no later than 11:30

The best part about this schedule is that it totally fits ME! For example, I am NOT a morning person at all, and I probably NEVER will be.  So, I let myself sleep in as much as possible and stay up as late as possible while still allowing myself to get some good sleep. Of course there will be nights when I stay up later and mornings when I sleep in longer, but who cares! It happens.  I'm loving my schedule so far, and I would recommend for anyone to make a schedule like it of their own! But make it with yourself in mind - which means, take into account your quirks, habits, and personality.  If you know that you can't workout past 6 PM without it killing you, don't do it! Move it to another time! It will only be effective if it's catered to you.  And who doesn't like having something catered to them??

Enjoy the rest of your week! :)

<3, L