Friday, July 27, 2012


My unfinished post I wrote Thursday:

Can't wait for the weekend. Woke up at 5:30 to swim at the Y. Got there & the pool doesn't open until 9 on Thursdays. Ugh! I feel like this has definitely happened before. FAIL. Epic fail. In. My. Face.

But than I looked at my workout sched and today is an off day any way so I guess it all worked out. To perk my morning up a bit-I did take a morning pup walk with my good friend Meg and her great dane Mia. Nice little morning surprise. I also couldn't resist a Scioto Valley Mocha this morning. Again. Thanks a lot Lindsay. Scioto never tempted me until you let me taste that caramel goodness. But I did get it Sugar free and made with non fat milk. They also asked if I wanted protein lite so I said SURE! It was good and tasted less sweet which I like. But I ordered a small and when they handed it to me-it was a LARGE! Good day. They said the protein powder makes it much fluffier so they had to put it in a big cup. I still only drank half of it. I can't take much more than that! But a good thing nonetheless.

Found Gluten Free Grahama Crackers. They don't taste good alone. Also made a great veg dinner that I'll talk about later in the week! Jon LOVED it. It was Mexican & that is def his fav.

Jon brought me lunch. Sushi Date. He is officially a huge sushi fan. I knew he would be. He's just impossible to give advice to on what he may or may not like. Very stuck in his ways :) O well, love him any way!

My new post for Friday:

Today was a huge success and it's still morning. I walked the dogs for 10 minutes. Got to the Y at 6 a.m. on the dot to swim with Jon. I swam a quarter of a mile which sounds terrible since I'm used to running miles, but it was tough and I did more than my training schedule suggested so I'm pretty happy with it for now. After that we got coffee together and walked the dogs for about 25 minutes. I got ready for work & than walked the dogs with Meg & Mia for another 30 minutes! So lots of activity this morning that I'm exceptionally happy about. Now onto Friday! I have a friend date with Heidi tonight so super excited to catch up and chat. Have a great weekend! Make good choices!

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