Wednesday, April 18, 2012

On the Mend

So I have this huge post I wrote last week, but I never finished it because guess what---I GOT SICK! Super sick. It's been terrible. Seriously, the year from age 24 to age 25 is ridiculous. This entire year of 2012 has been full of injuries and sickness for me. I just cannot seem to shake it! I am currently doing much better but still not 100%. After being off of soda and coffee for 5 weeks, I am sadly back on! Ahhh. I blame it on being sick. I couldn't taste much so I loved soda cause the fizz I could still feel and I could taste Root Beer and Dr. Pepper. I also learned that texture was important while not being able to taste & if any of you know me very well-I love Mint Milanos for their taste and their TEXTURE! It's my most beloved food texture ever. Weird right? I know. So my diet has been suffering some the past week, but not terribly.

I did complete two days of 5k training so far, but I am going to officially start over so I can really get on track with it for my first race back. My body just has not been able to do much. I could barely breath just laying down so working out was a definite no go. I have been doing some recipe exploring and trying to get some new things to eat. I found one recipe that is AMAZING. I have made it twice this week already. Jon & I are having it again tonight for dinner!

Guess what else?!?! I got an Iphone. I love it. It's so much more functional. Part of this functionality just comes from the fact that I now have a data plan whereas before I did not have any data capabilities. It's just amazing to be able to do everyting on my little phone. I also scored a bargain on cute case.

Regardless of the sickness I've been dealing with, God has been so absolutely good to me. One thing that I don't feel Linds & I have stressed enough is how big a part God can be during one's journey to weight loss. I have been trying to incorporate my new healthy lifestyle into my relationship with God and just asking for help and discipline. I know it's not something a lot of people talk about but God does address gluttony in His word. This doesn't always relate directly with being overweight, but in my case---IT DOES! I love food. Sometimes I just cannot say no. I want to be able to be in control of my own body and I truly believe allowing God to be a part of that is crucial. :)

So, taxes are done-viruses are dwindling-and spring is still in the air (sometimes) :) Get out today & get some fresh air and burn some calories!!!

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