Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Try New Things Tuesday!

So HI from Lindsay. She is thousands and thousands of miles away in Haiti this week. She is having a blast and is looking forward to sharing her trip details when she gets back. The most disturbing detail I know about is that  they found a tarantula in their house! Eek! I would be on a flight back to the US of A immediately.

As for me, things have NOT been going very well. My body is just really messed up. Saturday I shopped for 14 hours straight. This was such a bad idea for my foot. Because I've slightly changed the way I walk in order to cater to my hurt foot-my entire lower body started falling apart. My night ended in tears of pain and frustration.

On top of my foot issues, I started having some woman issues. I have a possible UTI or maybe even a burst ovarian cyst. Tests are being run this week to check everything out. But there is a positive here-I decided to change up my diet once again. I am on Day 3 of no coffee or soda. Things are going well so far. I have had a few headaches but I don't think they are caffeine withdrawal headaches. This morning I had a hot cup of green tea.

My grocery trip for this week was a little different this time. Instead of Low Calorie bread, I opted for the super fiber filled nut and grain type of bread. 80 Calories per slice. I also got some ham and cheese to makes sandwiches for lunch. I got Grapenuts and Skim milk to breakfast. I also stocked up on bananas, avocados, tomatoes, and corn. I get bored with diets very easily so as long as they are all healthy options-I think it's okay to switch things up! Also, it is SO much easier to watch what you are eating when you keep yourself busy. So stock up your schedule. I'm starting some strength training tonight. Since I can't do much with Cardio-I figured I might as well do something still. I've been pretty down and out about my foot lately but let's see. I also bought a new pair of AWESOME running shoes Saturday. I never knew Asics were the best running shoes but I found this out and got a great deal on this pair.

They are SUPER comfy. So back to healthy eating and no diet soda or coffee for this girl. Try something new on your diet today! Whether it's giving up something or adding some fruit, veggies, or yogurt into your diet-give it a try especially if you've hit a plateau.

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