Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Keep Holdin' On

Well, I'm with Britt- her last post anyway.  This past week has been pretty bad! I never realized how much of a help Britt was to me until this last week!  Because she was on vacation, we didn't really text back and forth during the day about how we were doing at all.  Plus, we fell behind in our blogging while she was gone!  But, as I've said before, a little set-back isn't going to keep me down! I'm determined to lose those first 35 pounds in 2012! And I am going to keep going no matter what happens along the way! 

My solution for getting back on track after a not so pretty week?

*Drink WATER- this has definitely not been happening this past week...I have been opting out for occasional soda and juices...definitely NOT good things to drink!

*Start exercising regularly again- this is very hard to do when you have been out of your routine for a week.  However, I plan to try to change things up a little bit and do some different things with my work out to give me some fresh motivation!

*Get back to recording my meals and snacks on myfitnesspal.com.  This site is a huge help! Sometimes foods and drinks that you consume on a regular basis- that you THINK are just fine and healthy- are actually alot more carb, fat, and calorie-filled than you realize!  Myfitnesspal helps you to keep track of EVERYTHING that you eat so that you don't under-estimate or, most importantly, over-estimate.

*Give my self little goals to reach.  It's very important to set goals for yourself that you will be able to actually SEE. For example, my first goal is to fit into a skirt that I have that I absolutely love, but can't quite fit into yet.  This goal is one that I will be able to actually SEE when I attain it! Setting small goals is extremely important because it allows you to see the results of what you are working hard for outside of just seeing the number on the scale.  It encourages you to keep going!

*Continue to motivate myself.  As simple as it seems, observing different motivating pictures and quotes on Pinterest.com REALLY helps me to stay motivated! Encouraging words always help, and seeing different bodies that are bodies that I want help me to keep pushing so that I will see that end result!

*Lastly, although Britt already mentioned it in her post from yesterday, I also made weight-loss pebble jars. It may seem silly, but being able to put a pebble in the pounds lost jar feels sooooo good and empowering! Like Britt said, it's a great visual tool, and just something fun to do! Here's a picture of my own personal weight-loss jars!
10 pounds down- 25 to go! :)

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