Thursday, February 16, 2012

Getting off on the Right Foot

So after Lindsay and I's last few posts about struggling-I am having a crazy great start off day. Valentine's Day was great until after dinner when I mentioned ice cream. After I realized that we had to get in the cold car to go get ice cream-I said nevermind. But as I have already chatted about, Jon is not on board with me yet so he REALLY wanted ice cream so I caved. Than I said-let's share a pint. Jon wanted his own though. So I caved again.

This morning is my first official day back to working out since I hurt my foot. New insoles and some ice the past few days have made me feel like I'm ready to get back to it! It feels good to be back on the old Weight Watchers Program. I'm familiar with it and it always helps to have faith in a system. This is the only way I have ever loss mass amounts of weight so I don't need to really talk myself into believing that it works cause I've already experienced the success. At my current weight, I get 23 points a day. You learn to find tricks of the diet. Like meals that are only a few points! Special K Cereal is kind of my newest secret to the diet. Protein Plus is only 1 point per 3/4 of a cup. I was eating a bag of this cereal dry for breakfast anyway so it was an easy transition. I looked into the other cereals and they are all around 1-3 points per serving. Great snacks and quick ways to fill up with good nutrition. I'm already stocked up on several different kinds.

I went on a 30 minute brisk walk with Lona just to try to start working my foot. I iced it for about 30 minutes last night. I've been reading up on plantaar and it just isn't looking good for me. It's very frustrating but I'm going to switch things up so I can continue to work out while doing WW-Momentum style (the old program).

I wanted to share some pics of my vacation in Texas. Notice our new Mavericks shirts :) I loved Texas. Everything is new and HUGE.

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