Monday, January 16, 2012


So last Thursday, my friend and I went to a zumba class in Circleville. It was a lot of fun! I forgot how much I loved it :) So I found my card that I purchased over a year ago and found out I still have 8 classes left that I can use in Chillicothe. So I will be zumba'ing today instead of my usual yoga. I will post what my new weekly workout is going to look like. I've added the zumba Mondays & Thursdays. I also found a new "Running for Weight Loss" Program at Women's Health. I will also be starting that this week! It is for beginners and after six weeks-I should be able to run for 30 minutes straight! How wonderful. I cannot wait. I also do strength training three days a week. Legs, Chest & Back, and Arms & Shoulders-these are my three days of weight training. I haven't lost any weight yet,but I am feeling much better about myself and my body feels great!

One of my biggest issues with getting fit is balance. I either eat really great and don't exercise or vice versa. So while I have been working out a lot and eating healthy foods, I have not been doing the greatest with portion control. I started using MyFitnessPal. You can check it out HERE. Lindsay & I both joined and became friends! So now we can follow each others progress and keep each other in line. AWESOME! I need it. Linds is doing great but I won't tell all. I'll let her tell everyone in her post tomorrow! Anyway, it's awesome! I gave the website my goals and they let me know what calories, carbs, fat, and protein I needed to intake on a daily basis. They said if I follow this-I will lose ten pounds by February 20th! Let's see how this goes!!! Cannot wait :) Ok-Time to go put on my new yoga pants from F21. $8.80. AWESOME!

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