Compromise: an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims. This word completely describes my whole day today! My healthy day started off extremely well with 2 whole wheat blueberry Eggo waffles, a banana, and a cup of coffee. Later, I added a few chopped celery sticks with Smart Balance peanut butter as a filling snack. However, I never got a good chance to eat a healthy, filling lunch like I wanted to, because I just got simply busy- something that happens to ALL of us, and also something that is one of the biggest enemies of a fit and healthy lifestyle. That's where compromise comes into play. Since I didn't get a good lunch, I compromised by deciding on just having a larger, but even more healthy than usual dinner. On a normal basis it's not a good idea to have a large dinner- since you will be less likely to work off those calories while you're sleeping!- but this is the huge difference between a healthy LIFESTYLE and a diet. Things happen, and people get busy. You can't let this fact discourage you when it happens. Just COMPROMISE. Not only did I have to compromise about my dinner, but I also had to compromise about today's workout. My plans were to run 2 miles in the campus gym, and then do some weight lifting. I found out, however, that my little brother had a basketball game tonight- which started RIGHT after I finished my last class for the day- my normal workout time. Not only will just being busy effect your journey to a healthy lifestyle, but so will things such as saving time for friends and family. Many people try to say that you need to put yourself first and others second when it comes to getting in shape or losing weight. Sometimes this statement is true, but personally, I believe that most of the time it is false. You aren't going to live your whole life denying time with your friends and family because you need to workout. That philosophy may last for a little while, but eventually, it will cause you to completely give up on exercising. Solution? COMPROMISE. I wanted to go to my little brother's basketball game, so I skipped running at the gym. I did NOT, however, skip out on working out for the day. When I got home from the game around 9:30, I put in the one Leslie Sansone DVD workout that I have, and I did a 2 mile workout. I still felt great about my achievement, and I didn't have to miss out on family time for it. There is always a way around the difficulties or obstacles that get in the way of your healthy lifestyle. Don't get discouraged and give up because of it, just find a COMPROMISE. If you need specific advice on how to find a compromise for your specific situation, just ask me or Britt! We would be happy to help you out. You can email us at

Happy Compromising!
<3, Linds
I know this is from a while ago...but it caught my attention so I read it and loved it!! What a great post! seriously this could be in a health magazine!!