Monday, January 28, 2013

Ya Can't Keep a Good Girl Down

Happy Monday again!

I had a great week - up until Thursday! I got super sick with a really bad cold / sinus infection / whatever it was.  I guess I was just glad that it wasn't the flu!  It put me down for pretty much the rest of the week and weekend, but I'm slowly recuperating.

Along with the sickness came the inability to work out for 4 days and the lazy attitude of not putting much effort into eating healthy - who cares when you're sick right? Well, you should - but I didn't.

So, it's not the best "ending" to the first  month of the year, but I'll make the best of it.  I'm feeling good enough now to do some exercising so I'll definitely be getting a couple of good workouts in from now until Thursday (the last day of the month).  Last January weigh-in day will be Thursday also! Crossing my fingers that I still come at least close to making my "4 pound" goal for January.

"Green week" also still went well last week! I Instagrammed the first few days, then kept forgetting to take a pic before I ate my "green" the rest of the days of the week.  Oops :-)

After a whole week of green tea only in the morning (woo hoo!!), this week I will be experimenting with different kinds of teas (all DEcaffeinated though!!!) If I get through this week headache free, I can actually say that I successfully weaned myself off of caffeine (and coffee) in one month - headache free!  Maybe I should write a book or something? haha!

I'll be doing a "January 2013 - Month End Review" on Thursday to update on how the whole month went for me in regards to my goals! I think it will be mostly good news! :-)

I hope you all have a fantastic week of sticking to your goals and making things happen!

P.S. I think Britt was either kidnapped or she's in hiding.  Hopefully you'll see a post from her soon. And she called ME the slacker in our "Breakup" post a while back. Humph!


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