Saturday, January 12, 2013

It's Always a Good Time

Britt had a cheesy title so I thought would too - Especially since I've had a love for Owl City as of late. :)

But for real, I've had a pretty "good time" the last couple of days!

First, I got my new laptop! I absolutely love it and I'm so excited.  It's a touchscreen! I've been having so much fun with it, and I'm thinkin' I will be able to start blogging a lot more often! Finally!

Also, I had my first official weigh in of 2013 this morning and I lost 1 and a half pounds!  Since the year started in the middle of the week last week, I am right on track of my goal! The half was for last week (the half week) and the other pound is for this week! Yay!!!

The "Mile a Day" Challenge is going very well! It's a lot of fun to try to find new ways to take pictures to document each day.

Lastly, my resolution to get off of my "addiction" to coffee is also going great! I only had 2 this week, and I've been substituting black tea for my morning coffee.  It has quite a bit less caffeine in it.  After doing that for about another week, I'm going to start substituting the black tea for green tea...which has a significant lesser amount of caffeine in it.  After that, I will hopefully be free of my need for caffeine every single morning.  Just to clarify, I'm not completely giving up coffee.  Of course I'm still going to have my Starbucks occasionally.  My goal in my New Year's Resolutions List was to just break the habit of HAVING to have it every morning unless I wanted to have an extreme headache all day. So far, SUCCESS!

That's my life lately! Have a great rest of the weekend!

P.S. Just started talking about my March Haiti trip in class on Thursday...getting soooo excited!! :)

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