Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Laziness

Wow. My weekend was packed but my Labor Day was full of family, shopping, and a whole lot of nothing productive. It was nice to just relax all day. I feel like I've been "Arbonning", babysitting, and of course WORKING nonstop the last few weeks. Just ask Jon. I've been on edge due to lack of sleep. And by lack of sleep I mean that I had one night where I only for 4 hours and it seriously has thrown me off COMPLETELY. Who would have though four little hours of shut eye could wreak havoc on my life like it has done. 

On a completely different note, I'm getting ready to start my travel season which has got me thinking A LOT about staying fit and on track with eating. I haven't been losing lately, just maintaining. Which is good! But I want to lose. I'm always up for trying new things because I know sooner or later I really will find something that I love and stick with. This time, I will be trying out some of my very own Arbonne products. I already did the cleanse, which most of you know I did lost 5 pounds doing. Jon is doing it now. It's just plain hilarious. That's all :) But now I've decided to start substituting one meal with Arbonne's delicious protein shakes. I also plan to start doing a lot more weight lifting, but we will see how that goes. My workplace is starting a great new program where if you work out 3 times a week, you qualify for free gift cards! What better motivation could there be?!?! I love gift cards!!! So I'll be starting that soon. The great thing about the shakes and being on the road is most of the recipes call for Almond milk which you can buy individual containers of that don't need to be refrigerated until opened! Perfect. So I can add all the other ingredients to a bottle and take that bottle and 1 almond milk with me and make it right at my hotel or any place that I can get ice. Sounds good to me! I always have one free meal available at work from the cafeteria which I thought would be EXTREMELY problematic, but it's been good. I've had a healthy protein filled salad every day with no dressing and cottage cheese instead of shredded cheese. If I'm still hungry after that, I've opted for the make your own stir fry bar where I just grill veggies with some soy sauce and eat those as my main entree :) 


Stir Fry

So I start traveling next Tuesday officially. I will be keeping you guys updated! Here's to a busy fall season :)

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