Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Year of New Things

Happy 2013 everybody. Linds has decided to get back with me on the blog which I am super excited about. I think it helps to start the year off fresh. Now we definitely slacked off with the blogging last year. We had our good spurts here and there but one of my goals this year is to get back to the basics! 

I started the year off heading to Starbs for some green tea since I'm giving up coffee for some time and than went to Panera for what Jon and I have decided to make our NY tradition. We got some oatmeal and fruit with our morning beverages and went to work on our IPADs. We were jotting goals and dreams down for 2013 and downloading apps to help us make those things come true. We spent the morning chatting about each other's goals and how our goals compared and coincided and how we could maybe help each other accomplish certain goals. We even went as far as to trade tablets and add a few goals for each other in the personal relationship department. I'm not going to bore you with all of our tedious little goals because we are definitely specific and very detailed in that department, but I will share a few from each category. Yes...there are more several categories.

Spiritual Goals:
Read the Bible in a Year
Get involved in a new ministry or community service

Personal Goals:
Read 1-2 books a month
Work on my level of patience (This one was from Jon)
Jon and I are starting to tak Fe turns every other Friday night to plan a special date night
Learn to go with the flow

Adventure Goals:
Hike a new trail
Go skydiving

Financial Goals:
All extra money goes into savings
Start the envelope budget system...More about that HERE 
Start a savings account for my doggy budget :) Humorous but needed!

Creative Goals:
Two pinterest projects a month
One new recipe a week
Blog faithfully-new ideas for the blog are coming!

And finally...


Of course this is an ongoing goal of mine, but I am trying some new things and getting back to some basics.

Fitness goals:
Lose 10 pounds by Valentines Day
Meet my goal weight by my birthday
Start attending YMCA classes as many times per week but a minimum of 3 a week
No coffee detox for January
Cut down soda and no soda for March
Run a 5k with Jon by Memorial Day
Run Hargus trail-no stopping by July 4th
and last but not least...

A MILE A DAY which Lindsay has already chatted about! I heard about this from my friend Heidi's blog I'm sure anyone reading my blog, also reads her blog but if you don't check it out. Heidi's blog  introduced me to the founder of the challenge-Elise. Jon liked the idea as well so he is joining us as well. Here are some pics from our first few days!
Day 1

Day 2

Linds and I are pumped about this challenge and we are going to stick with our mile a today whether we are running, walking, biking, or swimming a mile! We are gonna make it happen!

Tomorrow is Friday already! Here's to a short work week and a great start to 2013!

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